Pre-natal Yoga
IMPORTANT! Before beginning your exercise program, talk with your doctor to make sure you do not have any obstetric or health condition that would limit your activity. Variations and modifications of the postures must take into account the needs and restrictions of the individual. Detailed guidelines are available at The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. We encourage you read through this important and informative resource.
Pregnant women shuld stop yoga practice and call their doctor if they have any of the following symptoms:
Vaginal Bleeding, Lasting dizziness, Increased shortness of breath, Chest pain, Calf pain or swelling, Uterine Contractions, Decreased fetal movement or Fluid leaking from the vagina.
1st Trimester contraindications and precautions: Breath holding, Double Leg lifts, Abdominal Core work, Full body tight twists
2nd Trimester contraindications and precautions: Jumping, Full Back Bends, Breath holding, Leg Lifts, Abdominal Core work, Front lying postures (on the belly), Overstretching through joints, Full Body Twists, Supine Postures (laying on back without bolster support)
3rd Trimester contraindications and precautions: Laying Flat on Back (do bolsters or side lying postures) Full Back Bends, Full Body Twists, Laying on Belly, Jumps, Inversion poses, Overstretching through the joints, Deep prolonged Forward Folds, Double Let lifts and Abdominal Core Work. Breath Holding, Child’s Pose or other positions without making room for the belly.
