Sessions 1  2  3  4

IMPORTANT!   Before beginning your exercise program, talk with your doctor to make sure you do not have any obstetric or health condition that would limit your activity. Variations and modifications of the postures must take into account the needs and restrictions of the individual. Detailed guidelines are available at The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. We encourage you read through this important and informative resource.

Always begin your session with some warming breaths through the nostrils (called Ujjayi and pronounced oo-jai-ee). Raise your arms overhead for the inhale and lower them to your sides for the exhale.You may do some shoulder rolls and neck rolls for some extra preparation for your session.

Follow the sequence in number order.

This session may be used for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Trimesters with doctor’s approval and no pre-existing conditions.

When you get to #2, and especially if you have tight hamstrings or are feeling discomfort from low back stress or are in your 3rd trimester, you may modify the pose by sitting on a chair and reaching your arms back to feel the stretch in the chest and upper back.

In #3 when your feet won’t touch the floor with heels down, roll a towel and place it under your heels, or use a gardening kneeling pad under heels for support. Be “mindful” of your knees and never enter this full squat if you have pre-existing “issues” with your knees. Do ½ squat instead, or stand and lower to seated on a chair.

You may repeat 4, 5, and 6 several times. In #8 make sure your hands are fully on your buttocks for support. Never force yourself into any “deep” backbend or strain your lower back and always be mindful not to overstretch the front abdominals.  Keep chest opening and be “mindful” of your neck. Never pinch the cervical (neck) spine or force the head back.

For #11 sit on some books or if you have a yoga block, sit on it for extra support for tight knees ankles or feet. #12 and #13 twists must be done slowly with gentle turns. Listen to your back and waist muscles and never force the twist too deeply.

15 and #16 leave lots of room for your baby and use your arms to support your torso.

#18 Rocking from side to side and back and forth gently (and never onto your cervical spine (neck) is wonderful relief for your back, hips and thighs. Make sure to widen the legs apart and leave plenty of room for the baby between the knees.

#19 fish pose is a supported backbend.  You may place a bolster or blocks under your upper back and head to support it’s weight if there is undue pressure on the abdominals or neck. Be sure to open the chest and again be very mindful of the cervical spine. Spend a few moments after the session in meditation. Make sure in 2nd and 3rd Trimester that you may support your head and upper back on a bolster for corpse pose. Breath deeply, quieting your minds. Focusing on the stillness within and the health and joy of the new life within.